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Research Funding

Total: $1,341,399


  • d'Udekem, Y. (Murdoch Children's Research Institute), Morgan, A. (Royal Children's Hospital), Du Plessis, K. (Murdoch Children's Research Institute), Culnane, E. (Royal Children's Hospital) (2019). Royal Children's Hospital Foundation. Mental health support for at-risk Fontan adolescents, $115,000.

  • d'Udekem, Y (Murdoch Children's Research Institute), Cordina, R (Royal Prince Alfred Hospital/University of Sydney), Celermajer, D (Royal Prince Alfred/University of Sydney), Hornung, T (Starship Hospital & Auckland City Hospital), Grigg, L (Royal Melbourne Hospital), Du Plessis, K (Murdoch Children’s Research Institute), Ayer, J (Westmead Children's Hospital). HeartKids Grant-in-Aid (2017). ACE inhibitor cessation in the setting of well-functioning Fontan hearts, $43,700.

  • Cordina, R., (Royal Prince Alfred Hospital/University of Sydney) d'Udekem, Y. (Murdoch Children’s Research Institute), Winlaw, D. (Westmead Children's Hospital), Du Plessis, K. (Murdoch Children's Research Institute), Celermajer, D. (Royal Prince Alfred Hospital), Glozier, N. (University of Sydney), Ayer, J.(Westmead Children's Hospital), Gentles, T. (Starship Children's Hospital). HeartKids Grant-in-Aid (2016). Neurocognitive outcomes in children and adults with a Fontan circulation, $43,111.

  • d’Udekem, Y., Lee, M., Luitingh, T., Jones, B., Kowalski, R., Cheung, M., Du Plessis, K., Weskamp-Aguero, S., Chapman, J., Koleff, J., Date, E. (Murdoch Children’s Research Institute). HeartKids Grant-in-Aid (2014). Exercise induced hypertension following coarctation repair, $41,923.

  • Du Plessis, K., Corney, T. (Incolink Foundation Fund) & Broadbent, R., Papadopoulos, T. (Victoria University). (2013) Topic: Investigating apprentice support systems as a dynamic factor of retention and industry skill shortages in the construction industry. Funding contributed by Incolink Foundation Fund Grant and Victoria University. Total research funding: $44,000

  • Green, E., Cronin, D., Du Plessis, K. (Incolink) & Line, S. (Cancer Council Victoria). (2012) Topic. Bowel cancer prevention education for the Victorian commercial construction industry. Total funding to Incolink $23,000. Evaluation component: $5,000

  • Green, E., Corney, T., Du Plessis, K. (Incolink). Department of Health and Ageing Substance Misuse Prevention and Service Improvement Grants Flexible Fund – September.  2012. Total funding for 3-year national project 2012-2015: $382,740. Topic: National construction industry drug & alcohol preventative education campaign. Evaluation and research publication component: $50,000

  • Green, E., Corney, T., Du Plessis, K. (Incolink) Australian National Preventive Health Agency, National Binge Drinking Strategy Community Level Initiative - February 2012. Total funding $335,800 for 2-year project 2012-2014. Topic: Drink Safe Mate – Reducing binge drinking amongst young male workers in the Victorian building and construction industry. Evaluation component: $15,000

  • Green, E., Du Plessis, K. (Incolink). Consumer Affairs Victoria, Department of Justice. September 2010-June 2012.Total funding $174,125. Topic: Financial awareness and assistance to Victorian building and construction workers. Evaluation component: $10,000

  • Du Plessis, K. (Chief Investigator) & Incolink Foundation Fund. VicHealth Innovations Grants – June 2010, Total research and project funding $113,000 for 2-year research project 2010-2012, incorporating awareness raising campaign and evaluation. Topic: Diet and Nutrition: Knowledge, attitudes and behaviour of young men from the Victorian building and construction industry.

    • This project “Diet and nutrition: Knowledge, attitudes and behaviour of young men from the Victorian building and construction industry”, was nominated as a 2011 Finalist in VicHealth Awards for Excellence in Health Promotion – Category: Creating and using knowledge acquired through research and evaluation

    • This project “Diet and nutrition: Knowledge, attitudes and behaviour of young men from the Victorian building and construction industry” received a Highly Commended in the Victorian Public Healthcare Awards in the category Optimising the Health Status of Victorians.

  • Du Plessis, K. (Chief Investigator) & Incolink Foundation Fund. Westpac Bank Funding, October 2009. Total funding $25,000 for a 6-month research project into financial help-seeking behaviour of unemployed building workers.



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